The Garden Gate Florist, LLC
The Garden Gate Florist, LLC
910 E. Spring St.
Monroe GA 30655

(770) 267-5061
(800) 337-2205

The Garden Gate Florist, LLC in Monroe and Athens, GA provides flower delivery service to the following areas and zip codes in Georgia:
Our shop serves the following areas: Monroe, Loganville, Athens, Watkinsville, Bogart and Social Circle.
30249 , 30656, 30052, 30655, 30025, 30622, 30677, 30606, 30605, 30666.

The Garden Gate Florist, LLC in Monroe, GA specializes in the following flowers and gift arrangements:

Large inventory of fresh flowers Tropicals Plants European/dish gardens Contemporary and traditional arrangements High-style floral arrangements Silk arrangements Dried floral arrangements Weddings Funeral designs Extensive gift line Gourmet and fruit baskets Gift baskets Greeting cards Candles
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